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"A fool and his money are soon parted"

Money Savings Expert

"A fool and his money are soon parted"


An Interview With Tom Agnew, President and CEO of EquityMetrix LLC in Dallas, TX

EquityMetrix LLC is a leader in land data management, land data assurance, and revenue recovery. The company provides services to the Oil and Gas, IT, and financial sectors, and uses proprietary technologies to save organizations time and money. In this interview with Tom Agnew, the President and CEO of EquityMetrix LLC, we learn about the challenges of revenue recovery, as well as some of the rewards.

Thank you for speaking with us today, Mr. Agnew. Land data management and revenue recovery sound like difficult services to provide. Would you tell us about some of the challenges that you have faced?

Internal resistance to our projects, usually by client middle management, was unexpected. I figured everyone wanted to find money. Some people in an organization don’t want to know about these mistakes or they feel embarrassed when we recover money for them. They’d rather not find money or leave the money uncollected than look bad to their boss. Our biggest mistake was teaming with another consulting firm. Our service is too specialized and our techniques are too sophisticated for ordinary consulting firms. The biggest challenge is finding and acquiring talented individuals. I’m constantly looking for smart, driven people with leadership potential.

The resistance that you found from some clients, did that or other unexpected snags ever discourage you?

I never wanted to give up. There were times when money was tight, but something always turned up. The need across the industry is enormous.

Of course, perseverance tends to pay off, and it seems that for your business it certainly has. In the nine years that you have been in this business, has anything surprised you, or been exceptionally rewarding?

The most rewarding part is teaching others and watching them develop as professionals and as leaders. Also, seeing our teams solve seemingly intractable problems for our clients with amazing technology. My biggest surprise is how important humility is throughout the organization. I found that concern for status and safety stifles creativity and problem-solving.

I can tell that you are very invested in the welfare of your team and your company. Where do you think both will be in ten years?

Our business doubled this year and we see it more than doubling next year. In five years, we expect to be ten times our size with many new services. In ten years, we expect the company to be in the good hands of our young leaders, and for me to be retired!

EquityMetrix LLC is headquartered in Dallas, TX. You can learn more about their company by visiting You may contact them at 13727 Noel Road, Dallas, TX 75225, or by emailing


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Data mining companies, Energy data management, Energy data management, Revenue recovery solutions, Data management companies, Data center cleaning.