Money Savings Expert

"A fool and his money are soon parted"

Money Savings Expert

"A fool and his money are soon parted"


Find the Best Mortgage Rates by Following These Tips

This video is for people who are searching for a home loan. It gives them advice on how they can get the best mortgages rates. One tip the speaker gives is not to give off an air of desperation.

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Desperation doesn’t do anything positive for someone who is trying to get the best deal. In fact, one who acts too desperate might end up running into a very dishonest person. A much better strategy is for the individual to get a few quotes from people he or she likes and trusts. That’s the most favorable way to go about doing it and get the best possible deal.

Another tip is to have some lengthy conversations with prospective lenders about whether to pay points or not pay points. For example, a person who has a fixed income may want a mortgage that has a lower monthly payment because of the fixed income. That individual may have to pay points to get the lower interest rate. That’s one of those conversations that it would be wise for the individual to have with the mortgage lender. That’s what the video discusses, along with some additional tips for those seeking mortgage loans.